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To Our Patients and Community,

A Plus Family HealthCare is taking every step to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our patients, staff, and community. At this time, we ask that you call ahead to make appointments. We will not be accepting any walk-in patients beginning Tuesday March 16th until the emergent status of the state has been lifted. We are taking these precautionary measures in hopes that we can screen for COVID-19 symptoms before other patients and staff are exposed.

We are taking measures to keep our healthy patients out of our offices to decrease the chance of exposure to all viruses including flu and COVID-19. We have set up telehealth services and are utilizing it to keep you safe. These services are HIPAA compliant and you can see a nurse practitioner from the comfort of your own home! Call us for a telehealth appointment and directions to sign into your telehealth appointment with your Healow app.

Please do not enter our office if you have a known exposure to COVID-19 or Coronavirus. If you have been exposed to COVID-19, please call us and we will give you further instructions for treatment. We will ask you specific questions about your symptoms, travel, and recent human interactions. Please be understanding.

We also ask that you limit the visitors with you to one family member. Only the patient and one family member will be allowed into the clinical portion of our facility. We encourage all other family members to stay at home or in the car. We understand that single parent families may be an exception but ask that if there is any way possible, that you leave children at home with a trusted guardian.

Our staff will be wearing personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves, and gowns. Please do not let this alarm you. We sincerely care about our staff and want to keep them well.

We will be cleaning thoroughly, as we always do, in between patients with hospital grade agents. We understand that with our patient population, this could cause asthma or COPD symptoms. Please let us know if at any time you start to feel uncomfortable.

Thank you to our community for trusting us and being patient with us while we navigate this situation with you.

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